Orient Source HK Limited has an experienced International Finance Consulting & Trading team who specialize in providing financial and trading services in support of trade, investment and development.
Most governments worldwide have established some institutions or facilities to support critical public policy objectives which are underserved by the private financial system in areas such as housing, exports, SMEs, industrial development, infrastructure, municipalities, and the green economy.
Multilateral and regional development banks also work to support such vital areas in their countries of operation. We are focused on these public institutions including development banks, development finance institutions, export credit agencies and government entities such as national housing agencies.
We possess an in-depth understanding of the complex and ever-changing interface between the private and public sources of financial services and risk management solutions, and advise on the how the publicly-supported entity can fill market gaps and catalyze the private sector.
We have worked with institutional clients in all corners of the world and in economies in all stages of development. While recognizing the unique national or local circumstances in which a particular institution operates, we also undertake international benchmark studies and peer comparisons.
Orient Source HK Limited has developed strong relationships with some of the Top banks in the world, strategically positioned, to provide facilities which include regular banking, issuance of financial instruments, Monetization/Buying/Selling of bank guarantees for clients worldwide.
We arrange the monetization of all bank instruments, such as BG’s (Bank Guarantees), LOC’s (Letter of Credit), SBLC’s (Standby Letter of Credit), CD’s (Certificate of Deposit), DPLC’s (Direct Pay Letter of Credit) and other banking and financial instruments.
Non Recourse Funding is available on BGs (Bank Guarantee), MTNs (Mid Term Notes), LTN (Long Term Notes), SBLC (Standby Letters of Credit) in a matters of days. We also provide PPP (Private Placement Programs) to customers who gain the Approval of our Compliance Team.
We can monetize or lend on just about any bankable instrument to be used for project funding, move them into various trading platforms quickly and easily, as well as incorporating them into financing development projects.